
Friday, May 27, 2016

The Amazing Race!

This term we are doing an Amazing Race challenge. We have to read 30 books and move around countries. As we move around we need to put 1 fact about the country on a Padlet, so far I have read 2 books. We also have a google doc that we put the title of the book and write a short blurb about it. At the moment I am reading Anne Franks diary and it is an interesting book!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My 100 WC!

Here is my 100 WC for this week. I was working on orgonising my ideas into paragraphs. 

It was pitch black, the moon was my only light as I walk into the deep dark forest. I see a red flame in the distance, I walk towards it but it vanished. 

I kept walking hoping I would find the group, I hear a cracking sound and look behind me. There is is the red flame I start walking towards it but it leaves again. 

I hear the group talkig in a distance, I start running towards them and see the light again and seen the flame. As the flame flickered and then it went out. 

“Your back Katie!”

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Anzac Day Study

For the last few weeks Pukeko reading group have been working on this Anzac day slide. I think it is important that we know about New Zealand history as these men fought for our country and we should know about it. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My timetable for week 2!

This term our school value we are focusing on being an Enthusiastic Learner. This means in Term 2 we are focusing on sticking to our own timetables. This also means we are becoming good at self managing our own work and learning goals. Here is my timetable for this week. What do you think? Do you have any tips for me to manage my time better?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Katie's 100WC

Here is our weekly writing competition - the 100WC! I need to work on my puncutation and my paragraphing so I look forard to  improving these each week. Enjoy!

There is was an infinaty of white marbel stairs, so I thought. I started walking I looked up just to see a spec of white. I kept walking until I came to a feild of clouds. 

A feild of clouds that I thought I would fall through, I stepped on the feild just to find that I fell through like I thought. But I fell to the middle of stairway to the Sky but how?

I kept walkng for about forever, I had finally reached to top! I was so excited! I was over the moon... Litteraly and it was amazing I could see everything from here!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

True or false?

The Horror Maze, Dun Dun Duuuunnnnnn!!!

Last Friday (29th of April) Emily and I went to the horror maze, it was pitch black when Lu drove us to the horror maze. Emily and I walked up to the entrance which was a little ticket booth with a creepy sign saying Entrance in neon lights with light and the ticket man was a clown and he popped up and we gave him our tickets.

We went in and started walking like really old Grandma’s (because we were scared). There were lots of bushes filled with horror maze actors. All of a sudden an actor grabbed onto Emily’s leg, and away Emily's arm went, strait into the actors nose even though it says no abuse to  the actors.

We kept walking then some actor popped out of the bushes with a chainsaw came out and chased us! Then we kept walking like we were really old Grandma’s again, then Emily and I saw a little girl in the middle of the pathway she was wearing a white dress and crying blood. We tried to help her as she creepily turned around, we slowly walked towards her then bent down then she grabbed our arms and tried to throw us to the ground, but landed on a mat. 

When we turned around to see if she was there she was gone, disappeared, vanished, not there! We were scared like really scared. We carried on walking then a clown was following us just following us he grabbed onto our arms and whispered something. 

Who knows what he said though he sounded like he was creepy kooky. We heard a woman’s voice saying
“Follow the lighted pathway”
So we followed it and we were finally finished. All we wanted to do is go home and watch my little pony!

That’s my true or false story!